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  • Writer's pictureJohn Lawrence Maerz

Happy Birthday Cancer 2024

Your Charm and the gift of gab seems to presently be yours. However, your career options have been cloudy and in flux at best. This is because your values have undergone a shift in how your responsibilities lie in relation to your changing environment. The things you thought were most important you now have doubts about after the experiences you’ve had over the last year. This is mostly a function of how things have changed in your relationships. As your awareness of your insecurities has become clearer, you find that some of the responsibilities you’ve had toward others were only compensation for the security you thought you needed through them. You now find that you have a lot more independence than you thought you did in the choices that face you now. This makes you feel more confident in the career changes you must make. Your family will have to adjust but you have a lot more trust that they can handle them now since the need you thought they had of you is gone.


As the family dynamic at home begins to change, your family unit will go through a shift. Some will move in. Some will move out. Others may expect you to do the same. Consider your choices carefully. The obligations you may have felt until now are different. So, it is for your family as they have been going through learning experiences also.


Since May you have been feeling more of a need to read and communicate with others your goals, values and what you are afraid of in pursuing them. Listen to the responses carefully without choosing what to respond to before they are finished. They have observations about you that may have valuable contributions leading to tremendous growth potential for you. It doesn’t mean you must do what they say. It’s just that you need to hear their perspective, so you have an understanding of how you are perceived by others. Wait three days before you implement your changes.


Lastly, pay more attention to what is practical rather than what strikes you emotionally. This is a time for getting your assets aligned with the shift in your goals and aspirations…

July 2024 Astrolights


This month Neptune has tiptoed right up to the door leading into Aries and retreated back into Pisces. Twenty-nine degrees of Pisces is probably the most critical degree in the zodiac as it is the last vestige of required learning before we are allowed to proceed into his new cycle. It represents one of many fears we have of being absorbed by the masses. It is imperative that we correctly assess our motives about the stubborn patterns that might get in the way of our activating the opportunities for independence that Neptune will bring us when it enters Aries. The most important gift of Neptune is our ability to emotionally detach from allowing ourselves to being swept away by our deepest unconscious fears of being alone. Without this detachment we will be unable to properly implement the independent behavior that Aries demands of us when we enter Neptune’s new 165-year cycle in April of 2025. The last time Neptune ingressed into Aries was May of 1861. Among many other political difficulties, this was during the time of the country’s slavery conflict, our civil war and the inception of the KKK. His ingress parallels many other historical conflicts that we are dealing with now.


On the 5th we have a new Moon in Cancer. This will heighten the security issues that we will be dealing with and bring our focus toward the family and the traditions we currently hold. On the 11th Venus moves into Leo. This will show us the rules that we have expected of ourselves and those close to us. This will help us to clarify whom, what and why we may want to commit ourselves to.


On the 20th Mars moves into Gemini. On the positive side, this will give us the urge to multitask. If there are many issues that we need to attend to at the same time, this will be an asset. It will also make us more talkative and social. On the downside, Mars in Gemini has the effect of spreading our energy around into too many different projects and issues. If we need to concentrate, this will make it harder. This energy usually scatters our energy to the point where we can’t gather enough force or focus together at one time to stay applied to any one project. We must choose carefully how and where we invest our energy.


On the 21st there will be a full Moon at 29 degrees of Capricorn. This is a critical degree and we must be especially careful and cognizant of the potential future consequences our choices may bring especially since its ruler, Saturn, is the karmic and cyclic representative of the zodiac.

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