This will be a VERY eventful month for you. After this month virtually nothing will remain the same. You must be very careful in trusting your intuition. Not everything is as it seems. Open your awareness to the audacious, the unthinkable and the impossible. This influence has come to you to further refine your sensitivity to understand, clearly, what is real and practically doable. Now, many will come into your life to test this. Have your radar on full to sort through the fabrications and truths offered by others. Don’t simply assume that what you have known about others is still true now. People change, people grow and people regress. New assessments are now necessary. Any ploy that you might have used on others in the past will likely be used on you now. Be brutally honest with yourself. Now, clarity must be your primary goal.
This is also a time when you must adjust what values you use to direct your life. You are a cause fighter and you often stand with the underdog. You must become much more discriminating with who you will assist and who you will allow into your sphere of influence. People must learn their own lessons by dealing with difficult times themselves. You must learn to administer “tough love.” When you “do it” for them you deprive them of the lesson and experience that they need to learn in taking care of themselves. “Doing it” for them also leaves you on the hook for becoming a future “rescuer.”
As an additional note, Aries’ impatience with others often leads them to, more often than not, prescribe how others should act and behave rather than allowing them the time and independence to think for themselves before they take action. Employers and parents must learn to allow their children and employees the opportunity to decide for themselves how to act before they intervene. This too can be an aspect of applying “tough love.” To not do so ultimately undermines their self-confidence and proficiency.
Lastly, you may find that you are becoming much more sensitive to the moods and actions of others. The more you are able to let people “go through and deal with their stuff,” the more free and grounded you will be able to feel. Observing and detaching from the world and its expectations is a must if you are to survive in a progressively more erratic and insane world.

The main focus of this month is the aftermath of the eclipses and Neptune’s ingress into Aries. The occurrence of the eclipses is not as important as Neptune’s ingress into Aries. The eclipses merely serve as gate keepers for the content of change that Neptune brings us. As such, Neptune’s effects are brought in slowly over a span of approximately fourteen years. Let’s take a look at Neptune’s influences while in Pisces. These influences emanated in and around 2011.
Neptune dissolves structure. In his positive effect, he softens the sharp edges of rules and rigid structures. He blurs the clarity that we use to discriminate our perception. The attraction of this leads many people toward drugs. He also melts away the starkness of borders so that any oncoming changes may gently come about. In a sense, he can act like a drug that de-emphasizes the stress we might feel from oncoming challenging life issues. In a negative perspective, he also dulls the sharpness of mind and perception that we might need to clearly discriminate the factors we use contributing toward our making important life decisions. In dimming these perceptions, we also lose our ability to have a clear assessment of the people who come into our lives. In short, this makes us much more receptive to any deception and evasiveness we may encounter in dealing with others. It will also lead us into creating this for others ourselves. In Pisces, his “home,” these factors are profoundly magnified and create a progressive and cumulative distortion of our perceptions.
Thanks to Neptune, one of the effects of the past fourteen years has been an unnoticeable and progressive deterioration of our traditions and values. Concurrently, we have let all kinds of twisted minority groups manifest a dominant and opportunistic voice over our “silent majority” through accusations of selfishness and racism. At the same time, our administration has capitalized on these forces by assisting in diluting the solid and accumulated traditions we’ve evolved over the last two-hundred and fifty years. Neptune’s journey through Pisces has also enabled us to “miss seeing” this deterioration while enabling corporate forces to tacitly further their deceptive advertising into perverting our principles and values for their profit. This has also encouraged people to become more evasive of their accountability and less self-reflecting.
Neptune leaves Pisces and enters Aries on March 30th. As comfortable as Neptune was in Pisces is as uncomfortable as he will be in Aries. Aries is crisp, dry and focused. Neptune, or Poseidon as the Greeks called him, will become dry-docked out of his ocean.
With the receding of Pisces” deep, dark and muddy waters, every deceiver, stealth dweller and camouflager is becoming exposed to the light of day. Neptune will slowly become desiccated and dried out by his arch enemy fire, the progenitor of Aries. All the distorted compassion used by deceivers for the coercion and obligation of others will be burned away. Over the next fourteen years everything that has been hidden by man over the last fourteen years will gradually be dried out and brought into the light. Challenge, accountability and merit will once again reign supreme in our great nation. Mercury and Venus turning direct in Pisces on the 7th and 13th, respectively, will aid us in this process. Have a spectacular month!
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